How to Eliminate Green Algae in Your Pool

How to Eliminate Green Algae in Your Pool

Green algae in a swimming pool is a common and frustrating problem. It can turn your clear water into a murky green mess, making your pool unsightly and unsafe for swimming. While there are various methods to tackle this issue, using chlorine is the most effective and recommended approach over algicides. This guide will walk you through the steps to treat green algae in your pool using chlorine.

Understanding Algae

Green algae are microscopic plants that thrive in warm, sunny conditions, especially when chlorine levels are low. They can rapidly multiply, turning the water green and forming slimy layers on pool surfaces. Besides making the pool unattractive, algae can also harbor harmful bacteria.

Why Use Chlorine Instead of Algicides?

Algicides can help prevent algae growth, but they are not as effective at killing established algae. They can also introduce high levels of metals and minerals into your water, leading to additional problems. Chlorine, however, is a powerful oxidizer that not only kills algae but also destroys bacteria and other pathogens. Here’s why chlorine is the better choice:

  • Effectiveness: Chlorine is more effective at eliminating algae and preventing its return.
  • Cost-Effective: Chlorine is generally cheaper than specialized algicides.
  • Multi-Purpose: Chlorine not only kills algae but also sanitizes the pool water, making it safe for swimming.

Step-by-Step Guide to Treating Green Algae with Chlorine

Step 1: Test the Water

Before starting, test the pool water to determine the current chlorine levels, pH, and alkalinity. Ideally, the pH should be between 7.4 and 7.6, the alkalinity should be between 80-120 ppm, and the chlorine level should be between 3-4 ppm. Adjust the pH if necessary, as an imbalanced pH can reduce chlorine’s effectiveness.

Step 2: Brush the Pool

Use a pool brush to scrub the walls, floors, and other surfaces where algae are visible. This breaks up the algae, making it easier for chlorine to eliminate it.

Step 3: Hyperchlorinate the Pool

Hyperchlorinating involves adding a large dose of chlorine to kill the algae. Follow these steps:

  • Close the pool and ensure no swimmers are present.
  • Calculate the amount of chlorine needed to raise the level to 10-15 ppm.
  • Use a high-quality chlorine product and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Apply the chlorine in the evening to avoid sunlight degradation.
  • Pour the chlorine evenly around the pool, focusing on areas with high algae concentration.

Step 4: Run the Pool Pump

Keep the pump running to circulate the water and ensure the chlorine is evenly distributed. This helps filter out dead algae and debris.

Step 5: Vacuum the Pool

After a few hours, vacuum the pool to remove dead algae and other debris. If there’s a lot of debris, backwash the filter frequently to maintain proper filtration.

Step 6: Test and Balance the Water

Test the water again to check chlorine levels. If it’s still high, lower it to the normal range (3-4 ppm) using sodium thiosulfate before allowing swimmers back in. Ensure pH and alkalinity levels are balanced.

Step 7: Maintain Regular Pool Care

To prevent algae from returning, maintain proper pool chemistry by regularly testing the water and keeping chlorine levels within the recommended range. Brush the pool surfaces at least three times a week and shock the pool as needed, especially after heavy use or rainfall.

Preventive Measures

  • Maintain Chlorine Levels: Keep chlorine levels consistently at 3-4 ppm to prevent algae from reappearing.
  • Consistent Cleaning: Brush and vacuum the pool regularly to remove debris that can harbor algae.
  • Proper Circulation: Ensure the pool pump and filter are running efficiently to keep the water circulating and clean.

The Importance of Using Verify Test Strips

Verify test strips are essential for maintaining water quality. They provide quick, accurate results, allowing you to monitor chlorine levels, pH, and alkalinity regularly. By using Verify test strips, you can ensure your pool stays clean and safe, preventing issues before they become serious problems. Regular testing with these strips helps maintain optimal pool conditions, making your pool a pleasant and safe place to swim.


Eliminating green algae from your pool is crucial for maintaining a safe and enjoyable swimming environment. By following the steps outlined and using chlorine, you can effectively remove algae and keep it from returning. Regular maintenance, including the use of Verify test strips, ensures your pool remains clean and safe for all users.


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